Busting the Myth “Eating for Two”

We’ve all heard the old saying “I’m eating for two.”  While I think it is wonderful that the soon to be mom is having a baby, I cringe just a little bit inside because I’m hoping that she’s not doubling the amount she is eating.

Just because you’re eating for two doesn’t mean you should give into the myth of over eating.  In fact, a pregnant woman only needs 300-500 extra calories a day during the second-third trimester. A lot of times when you’re doubling the amount of food, it may not be the most nutritious. What you eat affects how you feel and your baby.

Incorporating a nutrient-dense foods such as proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats will make it less likely to develop pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and even anemia. Another benefit to focus on is the quality and not doubling the quantity as it will make it easier to shed off excess weight after birth.

Here are a few tips to help you get all of the nutrition you and your baby need and stay on a healthy eating pattern that will last a lifetime.

  1. Grazing: eating often throughout the day, but good quality foods
  2. Drinking water helps you stay hydrated and full
  3. Be mindful of how and why you’re eating (eating mindlessly while on the phone or eating because your stressed)
  4. Limit the size of your meals to the size of your fist (mini-meals)